growing garlic
on a window
on a window
Our next Homing In film takes us to rural Devon, where we are welcomed into the remarkable home of Nigel and Eileen Dutt. A retired couple, Nigel and Eileen worked…
located in East Jakarta, this 500-square-metre house, built on a 300-square-metre triangulated plot, serves as a sanctuary for a young family with two children.
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison gives a tour of his 15 year Permaculture food paradise at his home in the Willamette Valley of Western Oregon. There are 5 key design strategies…
Join the Celebration! “On opening day, I want everyone in Detroit to walk through our doors and feel like this is their store,” said Talley. The DPFC opens for business…
Walking into Tyler and Jessica's Streng home you are instantly taken back by the indoor atrium covered in succulents and Cacti. Their home is one of among 3,800+ homes that…
Japanese pachysandra is a tough plant and this toughness makes it useful in the yard. It is an evergreen perennial—a plant that is herbaceous in the sense it lacks woody stems,…
As urban expansion quickly replaces natural habitats, façade engineer Alistair Law has discovered a new way to restore native ecosystems for pollinators and create natural spaces for us all within…
watch all eight episodes