To be totally honest, some of you may not be the best gauge of what your child is capable of without some evidence on the table. Most people of certain generations don’t understand the things that make the world spin these days any better than a child does. In some ways, they understand it even less. It’s why they’re always calling their grandchildren for advice about what their phones aren’t doing. Advice from people of a different generation is always something you should consider. As someone who has spent years building cultural spaces, I’m all about elders and mentorship. But I have also frequently found myself across the table from elders who were raised to think that having seats at tables was the goal, or for whom a bowed head incrementalism is the best way to political and personal success. Certainly we dream differently now. Maybe, in a world in which a new technological miracle is created every day, our children can be allowed space to consider work or living in ways that build them up first. Maybe it is time to aim them at doing more than surviving.