Pepper’s ghost – Wikipedia
Pepper’s ghost is an illusion technique used in the theatre, cinema, amusement parks, museums, television, and concerts. It is named after the English scientist John Henry Pepper (1821–1900) who began…
Pepper’s ghost is an illusion technique used in the theatre, cinema, amusement parks, museums, television, and concerts. It is named after the English scientist John Henry Pepper (1821–1900) who began…
Event organizer turned down sound for part of speech; Speaker says he was censored by Hudson American Legion
Scientists were alarmed by blood clots possibly linked to the J&J vaccine. Some women wondered if there shouldn’t be more concern about oral contraceptives.
SEATTLE—As temperatures top 100 degrees, the National Weather Service warned Tuesday that the record-breaking heat wave currently plaguing the Pacific Northwest could cause an unprecedented surge in shirtless Italian grandpas…
In a recent TikTok video, in which she broke down the ways white people treat solidarity with BIPOC as optional, Barbarin explained that if BIPOC don’t ask nicely, white people…
Since the state’s mask mandate was lifted, face coverings have started to come off — and stay off. But according to infectious diseases doctors, the return of facial freedom might…
Whether that mission succeeds could have consequences far beyond DuckDuckGo’s bottom line. DuckDuckGo is operating to some extent in the shadow of Apple, which has already made privacy a core…
A look at 2,700 neighborhoods reveals wide discrepancies by race, income level, education — but perhaps not political affiliation. The map comes as vaccination rates slow in Michigan. {read}
The Future is here. After announcing it was getting into the content game earlier this year, venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, or a16z, launched its Future blog this week to…
Elizabeth Gonzalez James, author of "Mona at Sea," recommends stories about struggling under capitalism. {read}