You can get more info online about typesetting with typewriters, and I am continuing to research more about it when I have time. These are the folks I’ve referred to in researching callitypy as well as sources that don’t relate specifically to “Piggie” (not shared).
If you’re interested in the typewriter itself, It was probably a Hammond, allowing for a swapping of typefaces. The machine was definitely more sophisticated than a standard office typewriter, but also used in many industries, not only in publishing.
References: People’s Graphic Design Archive Glenn Fleishman; “The Typewriter is Not a Typesetter: The 1919 Magazine Strike in New York,” 2019 (, “Literary Digest: Typesetting With Typewriters: Literary Digest’s 1919 Callitypy Revolution,” 2011 “Literary Digest,” All About Printing A LA Typewriter, Volume 63 Issue 7, 1919 Frank, Romano, History of the phototypesetting Era, 2014 Howard Zinn: A People’s History of The United States, 1980