dead arm
how to fix it
A Daily Qigong Practice of the Eight Brocades Qigong is believed to improve organ health and function, also both physical and mental health and wellbeing too. This daily qigong 6…
Tai Chi Qigong warm up exercises for before and workout to build up supple tendons and joints in the body and relieve joint pain, increase mobility and flexibility. In TCM…
mobility exercises
Try these exercises to build hand strength and improve tendon gliding theough the carpal tunnel
To alleviate upper trapezius (upper trap) tightness, a multifaceted approach involving posture adjustment, increased shoulder and mid-back mobility, and rotator cuff strengthening is effective. This protocol targets the root causes…
If you experience headaches and neck pain, then I’m sure you’ve tried many stretches and releases at the neck but we need to look further into the secondary impairments. Meaning…
Exercising on stairs, like incorporating pushups and step-ups, offers several benefits. For beginners, the incline provides a modified version, making exercises more accessible while still challenging muscle groups. Make sure…
If you want to protect your knees you often need to support the structures around the knees. These are 3 keys to make that happen